Somorrah (Som_mor_rah)


 Reverend Harold Lincoln Lesinzski-Brown (Rev. Brown) have his household in submission with all reverence. Even the smallest member of his family, his thirteen year old grandson, Milford Robert Brown gets all the praise and glory, as being one of the "Saviors of the Somorrah community". Along with the Reverend Brown's clan, his son and mayoral candidate, Lionel Robert Brown joined with his wife Nancy keeps the Christian community of Somorrah peaceful and unblemished, until Quentin Alvin "The Boss" Arsenault is noticing his evil influence, diminishing; much like his dreams of TTO and becoming the next major of Somorrah. He ravenously wants the people to listen, pay attention and worship him like God. He set his sights on the Brown Family, slowly disabling What he likes to call "Somorrah's Jesus' joys".  Eventually, "The Boss" commissions a few citizens of Somorrah, even risks befriending and disturbing an irritable, condescending demon, DW, who sends them on bunch fabricated missions for his own enjoyment.